WriteLog and IT9 & IG9
Ron Stailey, K5DJ
Wed, 1 Oct 1997 00:48:51 -0500
Joe, there has been lots of discussion about this one. No it's not in
WAE rules. But yes it does count as Italy in Africa.. How, I don't know.
But it does and that's good enough for me.. Someone else will have to
figure out why and how.. :-)
de Ron K5DJ
>There were two stations on during the CQWW RTTY test that I don't know if
>they got scored correctly.
>IT9STX Sicily 3 points 2 multipier (but 1st Italian)
>IG9/IK2PZC African Italy 3 points 2 multipliers
>both on 20 meters, many Italians between them.
>In the rules, it says "One multiplier point for each DX country in the
>ARRL and/or WAE lists on each band. I guess I should look at the WAE
>list, but I have been unable to find it. Anyone know where I can gett a
>listing of the WAE?
>The reason for my query, is my main database, TotalHam, put these two as
>Italy for DXCC purpose.
>Joe Duerbusch K0BX St. Louis MO
>jduerbusch@mdc.com at work
>duerbusc@mo.net at home