TenTec Rig Control
Philippe NOUCHI
Mon, 23 Feb 1998 14:06:28 +0200
George McCrary wrote:
> Hey Folks,
> Once again I can't get Writelog to talk to my rig. This is one part of
> this program that is a real pain.
> The rig is a TenTec Omni VI. If I tell WL that it is an OmniV, it will
> talk, but everything is garbage (changing the rig does chnge the WL
> frequency, but WL displays things like -144%^54333MHz). If I tell WL that
> it is a OmniVI, it won't respond.
> Any suggestions?
> George (KQ4QM)
I use Writelog with an Omni6 and sometime an IC-706 without problems.
Did you set the baud rate correctly on both parts (tx and option menu), I
use 19200 Bauds on the Omni 6 (I did not try the auto feature). Do not
forget to save the option to be sure the informations are kept. And do not
forget to activate it in the band menu in the entry window. ( I do this
mistake when I begun with Writelog!). Good luck.
I hope this help. Best 73
Philippe Nouchi - F6IFY
E_mail: Philippe.Nouchi@cern.ch