WriteLog channel on IRC
AP2TJ - Tariq
Tue, 03 Nov 98 21:07:38 --0500
I have setup/registered a chat channel for Writelog on mIRC - to join, go to
any NEWNET server (irc.mw.sisna.com is a real good one, f-a-s-t, use port
7000) and type /join #writelog. As of the moment only Wayne/W5XD, Ron/K5DJ,
Jay/Ws7I and myself have operator privileges, I will add to the same as the
list grows. May I suggest that you use your call as your nick, Wayne/Ron/Jay
are registered as channel operators under the nicks K5DJ & WS7I respectively
For those not conversant with mIRC, download the software from www.mirc.co.
uk and install it (the download file is a self-installer). You need to
choose a nickname ("nick") for yourself, your call is as good as any, in
fact recommended as it is unique. File/Options will give you a list of
things to do such as your nick, what server you wish to join (any NEWNET
server will do but I suggest you manually enter irc.mw.sisna.com and 7000 as
the port #).
Lets get some activity going! From personal experience as a Winlink/Netlink
sysop, I found that a lot more was accomplished on our mIRC chat channel as
compared to our mailing list. Nothing like a one-on-one keyboard chat to get
things done. In fact we made it a hard-&-fast rule for Winlink/Netlink:
"Need help? Join the Netlink mIRC channel". Believe me, it works and is a
lot more fun too.
See you on the WL/RTTYR channel (irc.mw.sisna.com 7000, /join #writelog).
Let me know if anyone on the list needs any further info/assistance.
73 de Tariq/AP2TJ.