Upgrade 9.14 now ready
Herb Rosenberg
Tue, 3 Nov 1998 17:34:07 -0800 (PST)
Good suggestion, adn we do do that. But, if someone accendently starts
dragging things around, you still need to exit and come back in.
Wastes to much time in a contest.
Herb - KG6OK
On Tue, 3 Nov 1998, Jay Townsend wrote:
> At 01:08 PM 11/3/98 -0800, Herb Rosenberg wrote:
> > It is very easy
> >to do, and for contester that use CT, and aren't careful with WL, it can
> >happen. When that happended, we had to exit the program, and restart it
> >with the saved 'default' configuration.
> Herb,
> An alternative that might suffice would be to do the following:
> 1. Exit to DOS
> 2. cd\windows
> 3. copy writelog.ini writelog.sav
> Then you can always copy writelog.sav over the top of writelog.ini and get
> back to
> the place you were before. I do this a lot while beta testing the program.
> You could
> also change file attributes on writelog.ini so it can't be written over,
> tho I am not
> sure what this might do!
> Not that your idea in writelog.ini doesn't have merit.
> 73 Jay Ws7i
> ---
> Jay Townsend, WS7I < ws7i@ewarg.org >