WL channel on IRC

Barry Kutner w2up@mindspring.com
Thu, 5 Nov 1998 11:33:34 +0000

On  5 Nov 98, AP2TJ - Tariq <ap2tj@paknet2.ptc.pk> wrote:

> So far we have had only three "customers" showing up on the channel -
> Larry/W1GSH, Raj/VE7RAJ and Greg/VE7SOD. Pretty dismal results for all the
> work that went into setting up & registering the channel. Its a great place
> to exchange info, troubleshoot, ragchew, whatever, nearest thing to online
> help in the truest sense.
Hi Tariq - I don't want to dampen your enthusiasm, but I don't know if 
this is a subject that would be helpful to discuss in real time in such 
a manner. Also,with all the Iternet capabilities these days, have we 
all forgotten about getting on the air to talk about things like this? 
We CAN  say more than 599 and the weather! :.)
73 Barry
Barry Kutner, W2UP                            Internet: w2up@mindspring.com
Newtown, PA                                   Frankford Radio Club