Post-WAE comments

Fidel Leon
Mon, 16 Nov 1998 18:53:19 +0100

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On 16/11/98, at 19:40, AP2TJ - Tariq wrote: 

>Saturday was bad but Sunday was like trying to TX/RX while inside a sealed
>lead container :-( Anyway, my queries & comments:

	Bad weekend, my friend....

>1. A DL ham came back to me after getting QTC's and said that WF1B does
>accept the Z after the time and so his receive had gone haywire. Though I
>would ask the gurus if this is really the case.

	Well, I don't know about it, but about Writelog, I have two issues:

	-Many people does not use a carriage return after each QTC, and WL fills
the full QTC field with anything after the QTC..
	-From time to time, I see the check call *not* telling I already "QTCed"

>3. The "Lost connection" in networking turned out to be a real annoyance
>needs to be fixed ASAP. I could not even copy my log from the radio
>to this one, had to copy/paste. Network connection ran out of team halfway
>through the transfer and nothing could get it going again. Never happened
>before 9.14.

	I completely agree with you, Tariq!

>Surprisingly the trend this year (in my case at least) was exactly
>to what Dick/N1RCT had forecast - I had more people wanting to send QTC's
>than receive, about a 60/40 split in favor of the senders? I wonder what
>prompted this change of heart? Maybe a slipup in the rules page that
>that points were only awarded for "QTCs sent" and said nothing about QTCs

	As I did with Ron... I'd rather sending him QTCs, because of I supossed
his RX conditions were better than mine... HI, HI (sorry, Ron!).


Fidel Leon - EA3GIP