CW/RTTY Keying

Douglas R. Frie
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 20:13:17 -0400

I finally got the SSB to work and key my rig, so now it's a matter of
fooling with the memories etc. GREAT! Now I can't seem to get the rig to
key for cw/rtty. My radio is connected via serial port, com 2. When I
set up the port options I specify com2 for radio. If i put com2 for cw,
nothing happens. The rig is responding because when the program is
running, if I change freq on the rig, or tell the software to change
freq/mode, it does so fine. Perhaps I'm not setting up the port
properly. I did specify PC generates cw, and in rttyrite I selected no
port. If I select com2 it says not available.
If I key the rig in rtty using a memory, i see text correctly printed in
the text window, but nothing coming thru the radio, no tones, no cw. Any
suggestion greatly appreciated.
Sorry to be such a pain with this but I really am frustrated. Tnx..73