CQWW, /MM and Packet Spots
Ron Stailey, K5DJ
Mon, 26 Oct 1998 11:28:10 -0500
>I worked a maritime mobile station during CQWW SSB and WriteLog
>apparently doesn't recognize /MM for maritime mobile - Writelog thinks
>that's a prefix for Scotland...
Yes since the M's went to Scotland thats true. When you edit your
log instead of having /MM make it -MM I'm pretty sure it will score
correctly.. I know it does in RTTY mode..
>According to the CQWW rules, maritime mobiles can only count for a
>zone multiplier, not a country mult, so I had to manually do some
>score correcting after I generated my summary sheet since that station
>would have also been a country multiplier for me. I tried editing the
>country multiplier field in WriteLog, deleting the number for that
>contact, but the field kept populating itself when I saved the QSO.
>Is that a bug or did I do something wrong?
You didn't do anything wrong, I'm not sure what to do with a /MM
when M's belong to Scotland now.. Just change the / to a - and I
think all will be well...
>I used the packet spot window for the first time - worked great for a
>non-competetive s&p'er like me - only complaint I have about it is
>that every time a new spot came and the list control was updated, I
>lost my current selection (or it was scrolled out of view) - many
>times there were scads of spots I needed, and I was systematically
>going through them from the bottom (oldest) - it got quite frustrating
>to have to find my last selection every time a new spot came in (and
>at times, they were coming in fast and furious).
You can change the time on you writelog.ini file so the spots will
stay on screen longer. I'm not sure what default is right now but
it not real long..
>Otherwise, Writelog was flawless - I don't know why anybody would
>continue to use a DOS-based contesting program with all the advantages
>of doing it in Windows...
Thanks Marty I agree with you 100%..
73, de Ron K5DJ