Internet RTTY Sprint

Ron Stailey, K5DJ
Thu, 17 Sep 1998 11:04:25 -0500

 Since Barry W2UP announced the upcoming Internet RTTY Sprint Contest,
 I have had several ask if WriteLog supports the Internet RTTY Sprint

 The answer is: Yes it does..

 You can do the Internet RTTY Sprint, but the setup is a bit
 different. As my dear old Pappy would have said when talking 
 about an Out House, WriteLog is not a One Holler operation,
 meaning, not a RTTY Only S/W.  We have a Three Holler support
 program, meaning RTTY/CW/SSB with VHF/UHF support as well..

 1. When you start WriteLog click "Start a New Log" and select
    the Internet Sprint.

 2. WL pops up a screen for transmitting the previous name.
    Just click Cancel, because the RTTY rules do NOT require
    you to send the previous name for a QSO like the CW rules

 3. At this point its got everything you need for RTTY except
    that the bands are setup for CW only. Here's how you fix it:

 4. Click Bands, then click Setup.

 5. Click Clear all Bands (this clears out the CW bands) (then
    click OK on the warning msg.)

 6. Enter the following:
    Low edge: 7000
    High edge 14350,
    "Under Select modes for this band:" Turn all the buttons 
     OFF except for FSK..
     Where is says Title type: 20-40    
 7. Click Add this Band.

 8. Click Cancel.

 9. Click Ok on Frequency Bands Window.

10. Click File Save, you will be prompted to name the saved
    file. Name it some thing like IntSpr98.wl then click Save,
    and you're ready to go in RTTY mode... :-)
    See ya in CQ/RJWW RTTY DX Contest and the Internet RTTY

     73, de Ron K5DJ