[WL-USERS] "clean" summary sheet?

Randy Thompson k5zd@ma.ultranet.com
Mon, 5 Apr 1999 22:39:14 -0000

Yes, unfortunately that's all there is.

I get a summary sheet from CT and use it as a template. Then I put the
numbers from WL into it.  Kind of a pain, but it looks better and is faster
than trying to fix the WL text format summaries.

Randy, K5ZD

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-wl-users@wu3v.net [mailto:owner-wl-users@wu3v.net]On Behalf
> Of Doug Brandon
> Sent: Sunday, April 04, 1999 8:06 PM
> To: WriteLog Mailing List
> Subject: [WL-USERS] "clean" summary sheet?
> I'm trying to figure out how to make a nice looking text log
> summary file.
> I do Contest->Create Summary Sheet and the two format choices are RTF and
> TXT.  The RTF is very nice looking, but is really only useful if
> I print it
> out and submit it along with a postal mailed log.  However, I
> havent sent a
> log in via the post office in years.  The TXT summary sheet is kind of a
> mess and requires a lot of manual reformatting to look nice.  Any
> suggestions?  If this is all there is, please consider
> generating a cleaner
> looking TXT summary sheet in a future release.
>    73 de Doug, N6RT
> /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
>   Doug Brandon       http://members.home.com/dab         dab@home.com