[WL-USERS] Remembering PSK freq setup
WA9ALS - John
Fri, 16 Apr 1999 23:35:25 -0400
Using Writelog for PSK contacts, I want to use 2210 as the frequency,
not 1000. I asked before how to set this easily and keep it, so I won't
have to "step" it up each time (nasty). I've tried "Save" under the
File menu and Save Configuration, but those didn't work.
Several suggested that I just change it in the .ini file. However, I
don't find anything about PSK in the .ini file - Where the heck is it??
I even did a text search on the file because I figured I was just too
tired to see it! NADA!
I started the Rumble tonight just thinking I would make a couple of
contacts for fun using the PSK105 program. As usual, the fun was
catching, and after a little 8 state run with 5 watts, I decided I'd
better get Writelog set up - the pencil was just too much effort! HI HI
WA9ALS - John
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