Jerry Pixton jpixton@shentel.net
Thu, 15 Apr 1999 13:06:46 +0100

After tests this am and my first psk31 qso, I see that WriteLog will run
psk31 in exactly the same configuration as I use for rtty. That is I can 
stay in Packet mode on my FT1000mp with data in and data out going to sound
board and all the canned messages being available. The packet mode is LSB
btw but
with bpsk I understand that does not make a difference.

I do like Wayne point about main receiver and sub-band receiver being
available in the stereo AF output jack. That has some advantages so Will
have to rethink what I am doing.

Jerry, W6IHG

At 10:44 PM 4/9/99 -0500, you wrote:
>	Is there anyway to use the canned messages when using the PSK31 mode. This
>is a honey of an addition to a wondeful program. Just used it for a day but
>it is very easy to oprate once I moved the center frequency from 1000 Hz to
>2125 Hz. I use my RTTY tuning indicators which gets me to within 10Hz as
>fast as I can think. 
>	Thanks for the new mode in Writelog.
>			73 de NO2T Jerry
Dr. Jerry R. Pixton, PIXOS Designs