[WL-USERS] WriteLog setup for Field Day
Sat, 22 May 1999 14:58:17 -0400 (EDT)
>I am a new WriteLog user, and am having problems with the settings for Field
>Day. When I select new contest, and Filed Day, WriteLog uses a different
>exchange setup. It has Country, QTH, C and Rec instead of the normal Field
>Day exchange. If I open a old CT version 8 Field Day log, It show the
>correct exchange format. Does any one have any ideas on what I need to
>change on the new Field Day contest exchange?
Mike, it's not really different. RCV is for: Class 1A, 3B etc, QTH is for
the section STX, NTX, NM etc. The M lets you know you have worked a new
station it doesn't effect the score at all.. P is for points.. C PREF is
on all WriteLog contests it shows the prefix of all stations worked..
Country is also on all WriteLog contests. It names the country you just
worked. You can remove country is you wish..
73, de Ron K5DJ
>Thanks for the help.
>Mike K0FJ..