[WriteLog] Now available - DX Telnet Launcher program

Jerry Keller dxdog@rcn.com
Thu, 14 Dec 2000 20:30:39 -0500

John... this looks great!! One question... the text page on the website
includes in the sample launch.txt file list "C:\Progra~1\dx4w407\dx4win.exe"
Should this really use dx4w502....? Isn't that the latest version?  Or am I
missing something again?
Incidentally .... I worked with your earlier procedure for "easy set-up of
DXT to feed both WL and DX4WIN" and was never able to get it to work. This
new "launcher" apparently makes that exercise obsolete, so it's a moot point
I suppose.
Jerry K3MGT

----- Original Message -----
From: WA9ALS - John <jfleming@shelbynet.net>
To: Gabriella & Fabrizio <rac2610@racine.ra.it>; Pawel SP7PS (ex SP7NMW)
<sp7ps@bonus.com.pl>; Rtty reflector <wf1b-rtty@wf1b.com>;
<Writelog@contesting.com>; <dx4win@qth.net>
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2000 7:55 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] Now available - DX Telnet Launcher program

> Imagine being able to double-click once and almost immediately have
> going:
> 1.  DX Telnet
> 2.  DX4WIN
> 3.  Writelog
> with spots from several telnet, webcluster, and RF sites flowing into
> both programs at the same time, and no duplicates!  Plus, you could be
> outside shoveling snow and receive a page on your digital pager that
> your favorite DXpedition has finally appeared!
> I recently created a new web page dedicated to the setup of DX Telnet to
> export spots to DX4WIN and Writelog
> (http://www.qsl.net/wa9als/dxtelnet.htm).  Getting it going requires
> execution of 3 separate programs in addition to the main programs, and
> several asked if it could be done by a batch file.
> Probably even before you were asking, Fab was making it available!
> There is now a Launcher program available that is a Windows program that
> launches a batch file that is useful for many things, including:
> 1.  It can launch the DXT2WL.EXE, DXT4WIN.EXE, and DUPER.EXE programs
> necessary to export filtered spots from several telnet, webcluster, and
> RF sites to DX4WIN and Writelog (at the same time), as well as the
> programs themselves.
> 2.  You can also set up different configurations of DX Telnet - For
> example, one configuration for the ARRL 10M contest and a different one
> for the RTTY Roundup.  Maybe you want a special configuration just for
> those times when you're RTTY DXing.  Now you can specify your favorite
> configurations and run all related programs just by double-clicking a
> single icon on the desktop.
> DX Telnet and it's new Launcher program are quite powerful even if you
> are running DX Telnet alone and not either of the other programs.
> Please visit http://www.qsl.net/wa9als/dxtelnet.htm and
> http://www.qsl.net/wa9als/launcher.htm
> Once again, HATS OFF! to Fab, and to Pawel (SP7PS) for putting a couple
> of the programs on his server.  73 - GUD DXing!
> Helpful suggestions and typo corrections welcomed!  (Keepa u barbs to
> yourself!)
> Tnx - 73 - GUD DXing!
> (No commercial connection - just happy user thinking these pages will
> help!)
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> WA9ALS - John
>    email:  jfleming@shelbynet.net
> homepage:  http://www.qsl.net/wa9als (NEW - DX Telnet Setup page!)
>  logbook:  http://www.qsl.net/wa9als/search.htm
> --
> WWW:                      http://www.writelog.com/
> Submissions:              writelog@contesting.com
> Administrative requests:  writelog-REQUEST@contesting.com
> Problems:                 owner-writelog@contesting.com

WWW:                      http://www.writelog.com/
Submissions:              writelog@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  writelog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-writelog@contesting.com