[WriteLog] New User Questions

WA9ALS - John jfleming@shelbynet.net
Sun, 6 Feb 2000 20:39:56 -0500

I'm no expert, but I've done them all using several software programs
and the PK-232 and the soundcard with my 1000MP.

The REAL thing that's important is the SOFTWARE.  The soundcard has
plenty of hardware, but how it's used is dependent on the software.

I am set up such that I can have one window open with the PK-232 doing
the copy, and then also run RITTY/K6STI using the soundcard on another
screen.  Then I can compare weak signal copy.  No question - the RITTY
soundcard option outcopies the PK-232 hands-down!  I think it's pretty
well accepted that RITTY is one of the best weak signal copying programs

So how do other programs compare?  I can't answer that scientifically,
as I've never run comparisons at the same time.  However, Writelog does
an excellent job such that I use it instead of the PK-232 when
contesting.  And when you think about 2 radios, one to each channel of
the soundcard, well... use your imagination.  (FUN!)  Writelog also
incorporates the AFC function to snatch those guys that call you off
frequency when you're running in CQ mode - That's worth a bunch in
functionality that I've never seen in a hardware TNC like the PK-232/

Using the PK-232 in FSK mode won't change the COPYING ability at all.
The "FSK" is generated by an AFSK generator in the 1000D (assuming it's
like the MP), but so what?  You don't gain anything - just different
hardware generating the AFSK tones.

The only reasons I've kept my PK-232MBX are:

1.  I use it as a scope driver, wired in parallel with the soundcard -
nothing beats tuning with a REAL oscilloscope!

2.  I like the lights - heh, heh

WA9ALS - John  jfleming@shelbynet.net
http://www.qsl.net/wa9als (now with Shack Cam!)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeffrey Poll" <jpoll@airmail.net>
To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2000 5:25 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] New User Questions

> Hi Guys:
> I am new to RTTY and new to Writelog.  So far I'm having a blast but
> have two questions I hope some of you can help me with.
> I am using an FT-1000D and a PK-232 data controller.
> 1.  Am I better off sticking with the PK232 or will the Soundblaster
> card in my computer do a better job?
> 2.  Right now I am using thye audio output from the PK232 and AFSK on
> the FT-1000.   Will FSK on both the 232 AND 1000D do a better job?
> Thanks for your input.
> 73,
> Jeff - K5JP
> Dallas, Tx.
> --
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> Submissions:              writelog@contesting.com
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WWW:                      http://www.contesting.com/writelog
Submissions:              writelog@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  writelog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-writelog@contesting.com