[WriteLog] Digital voice keyer help needed

Robert D. Crossland bcross@bellatlantic.net
Mon, 07 Feb 2000 15:53:28 -0500

Hello all,

I'm in the process of making Writelog my contest software of choice and
have run into a bit of a quandry regarding voice keying.

I currently have a K1EA digital voice processor installed which I have
been using with NA contest software.  Since I have this card already
working, and I'm very familiar with it's functions, I'd like to use it
with Writelog.

In the Writelog documentation, I've seen several references to "NA-style
DVK's".  Is this the K1EA voice processing card?  Is anyone else on the
reflector using this setup and is it an okay way to go versus the
soundcard (which I could do if necessary).

As always, thanks very much for your help.

Bob, N3IXR

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