[Re: [WriteLog] WinRTTY AFC Problem/Feature?]

Joe Duerbusch jduerbusch@netscape.net
7 Feb 00 07:52:03 CST

"Don  Hill" <aa5au@msn.com> wrote:

I can confirm that this does happen.  But it happens for a reason.
If you have the AFC box checked and a station calls you, the AFC will
center itself on that signal.  When you click on that callsign, the box
becomes unchecked.  If you look at the WriteLog RTTY Receiver
screen you will see that the lines are frozen where it copied that station
and stays frozen until you either log the station or clear the entry window.
At that point the check is back in the AFC box and ready to "capture"
the next signal.
Well Don, If it worked that way, I would be happy.  At my station, when the
AFC locks on a station and I put it in the entry screen, the AFC gets
unchecked and go's back to the "Normal 2125 Mark", it does not stay on the
mark on the station being worked.  If the off-freq station is not too far off,
then we can still copy, otherwise, it's back using the RIT or re-clicking the
AFC in time to re-sync his mark tone.  The way you described it, is the way it
should work.  If fact, I think that it worked that way in the contest
before...so something had to change.

BTW I have been using the Dovetron and the soundcard as you described.  It is
pretty neat to see the dual copy.  Main problem is my 15 inch monitor doesnt
have the room to support all of this and the window that I want open.  Guess
it is time for a new monitor.

Thanks for you input Don, it is always appricated.

Joe K0BX

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