[WriteLog] 10.14E Telnet Packet Bug

N1EU n1eu@yahoo.com
Sat, 12 Feb 2000 06:22:31 -0800 (PST)

I just installed 10.14E and started noticing this bug
so haven't had the time to totally characterize it,
but so far:

When I first connect to Telnet packet on opening
WriteLog, and go ahead to display some spots with a
"sh/d/20", I start seeing spots listed but soon start
hearing a squealing sound coming from the modem and
the packet window applet hangs up and I have to go
into the Windows "Close Program" dialog box where it
shows that it isn't responding so I "end task".  Then
I start it back up and get a "Lost connection to
packet OLE Automation Object" dialog box and say "yes"
to reconnect.  Now sometimes it seems to work okay but
sometimes it repeats the hang up.  

My Windows Telnet applet works fine, as did my earlier
10.11D WriteLog.

I'd appreciate hearing from others who try Telnet
packet with 10.14E and whether it works for them. 
With the contest next weekend, would like to make a
decision quickly whether to regress my WriteLog

Tnx & 73,
Barry  N1EU
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