[WriteLog] Writelog with HAL ST8000 - Is that the Ultimate?

Herb Rosenberg herbr@netcom.com
Sun, 13 Feb 2000 20:47:27 -0800 (PST)

Does anyone know if Writelog will work with the HAL ST8000?  I am 
interested in hearing from anyone that might have experience with this 
unit, and what kind of results you have seen.

Is this the "ultimate" in rtty decoding?  (not with standing the $4000 
price tag?)

Anyone compared the KAM PLus to the built in sound board decoder in WL?  
How do they compare? 

Seems like the challenge for me is being able to reliably copy the ultra 
weak stations that I know are calling me in the contests, that I just 
don't get reliable print on.  Been using WL with a KAM plus.  


Herb - KG6OK


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