[WriteLog] ARRL CW - (Telnet?) Bug came and went (long)

N1EU n1eu@yahoo.com
Sun, 20 Feb 2000 16:53:30 -0800 (PST)

Just wanted to share a strange visitation of an
unexpected demon Sunday morning while it's fresh in
mind.  Except for a one hour period, my WriteLog
10.11D performed beautifully this weekend and it was
really quite a ride!  

I regressed my WriteLog install to 10.11D before the
contest because of the Telnet packet bug in
10.13/10.14.  After my experience this weekend, I have
a strange hunch that the problem might have already
been there in some form in 10.11D.  Up until Sunday
morning, everything was performing beautifully with no
problems at all.  When the beast reared its ugly head
the first time out of the blue, I was running with
"Enter sends exch/QRZ" option.  Everything was smooth
sailing until all of a sudden I hit enter and my rig
started transmitting an endless string of characters,
my mouse disappeared from the screen, my keyboard
locked up with the 3 LED's flashing continuously and
all I could do was turn off my rig and my computer and
reboot.  Hey, a little excitement to keep me awake
after a long night at the rig is always a welcome
relief, right?  After rebooting, everything would seem
okay, but eventually go catatonic again in a similar
fashion and require a power down.  The conflict seemed
to involve the Telnet applet, the mouse, and the
keyboard.  I started operating conservatively, using
fewer features and eventually I was able to go back to
full operation.  The bug never bothered me again till
the end of the contest as WriteLog once again was
running beautifully for the last 10 hours.

Kind of scarey stuff and not sure where to go from
here . . .  Hope everyone had lotsa fun in the

Barry  N1EU
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