Sante - IK0HBN ik0hbn@libero.it
Sun, 08 Oct 2000 10:45:36 +0200

Hi WL Users,
did somebody find how to get rid of the limitation of using radio 
microphone to save messages to be used with WL? From older messages on 
reflector seemed Rigblaster could help with PSK, AFSK but pratically 
useless if one likes using that for SSB contesting. Any stuff from WL 
authors to overcome that limitation of RIGBLASTER? may be it could be a "DO 
IT ALL" interface to run SSB, RTTY and CW with WL without going on the back 
of the radio.

THIS MESSAGE WAS SENT BY:         (.)(.)
Sante Lillo, IK0HBN                   | Home  telephone: +39-0761-407543
Localita' Saineta, 3                  | Fax on request : as above
01030 Bassano in Teverina (VT) Italy  | Cell. telephone: +39-0338-6825052
E-Mail: ik0hbn@libero.it              | packet: IK0HBN@IK0MIL.ILAZ.ITA.EU
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