[WriteLog] Need help interfacing 1000mp

WA9ALS - John wa9als@starband.net
Sun, 1 Apr 2001 07:23:59 -0500

> I've been using Writelog about 2 weeks now.  The rig control works
> great!  The question I have is what is the best way to get the audio
> from the computer to the mp and the mp to the computer?

Greg, this is a subject about which much has been written.  Your
question is general in nature - it depends somewhat on what your goals
are.  I will -try- to be brief here, and then please write me privately
if I can help more.

1.  Since you said AUDIO, I will assume you mean "AFSK" - e.g. AFSK RTTY
or PSK31, rather than FSK RTTY.  There are several ways to do this, and
some would argue about what's the "best".  I think most would agree the
cleanest, most versatile way to do it is to take your audio in and out
of the MP via the PACKET (should have been labeled AFSK) connector on
the back of the rig.  It would be nice to insert an audio transformer in
these audio cables,, but depending on your shack, you may find you don't
need them.  Writelog will let you command PTT via the CAT cable, so the
audio connections shoulod be all you need with this program.  However,
you will need a PTT line from a COM port to send PTT using other
programs you might be interested in like Digipan, MMTTY, Stream, SSTV
etc etc.  It's worth the effort to make a PTT cable!

2.  If you want to send FSK Baudot from Writelog, that transmit signal
comes from the computer on a com port (Tx pin) and needs to go to the
MP's RTTY connector.  That connector also has receive audio on it to go
to your soundcard.

3.  If you don't have a CAT cable hooked up, you can also send your
soundcard output audio to the PATCH connector on the MP.  Using VOX,
audio into that connector will key the rig and thus you don't need the
CAT cable OR the PTT cable to transmit.  Although this can be really
convenient, there are problems with this approach.  For one thing, you
will have to use SSB and your dial frequency won't agree with DX spots
etc and you will have to learn to add or subtract 2125 in your head!  HI
Also, if you have a MARK-V, it won't let you use narrow filters in SSB
mode - you need to use the PKT or RTTY modes to invoke them.

4.  You'll want to use the PACKET connector on the back to take full
advantage of the digital sophistication of the MP.

Does that help?  You can also discuss MP-specific issues on the 1000MP
reflector for many suggestions.  I have the pinouts of the MP RTTY and
PACKET connectors listed on my web page at
http://www.qsl.net/wa9als/pk232.htm  73

John - WA9ALS

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