[WriteLog] What Have I missed/onward
Grant Bright, Ph.D.
Wed, 4 Apr 2001 13:42:15 -0400
Scott, Don, John, et All
Excellent comments all. It is true than many are trying rtty
with advent of soundcard programs. I did not think they
amounted to much--at first. Then I tried several and whow,
they work and very well. I especially like MMTTY because of
the tuning, functionality, and the type ahead buffer. I have
even performed several a-b test between MMTTY and my PK232
with internal DSP. They run very, very closely.
Thanks too to Jim for the clarification on the using an
external scope when using an external TU. I thought I had it
straight, but wasn't sure. Also for the clues on the 3830
group for posting scores--neat!
Thanks to SM6SRW for the EA contest module.
Thanks to all who offered interesting an salient viewpoints
about the reflector about rtty, contesting and the like. I
am certainly enjoying the content and quality of the posts
on this group. This is ham radio at it best, exchanging
technology, how-to's, creating and expanding, understanding,
and exchanging opinions and humor.
Tip of the hat and thanks to all, you have increased my joy
and information about this versatile and powerful program
and "how to use it."
Back to work for me, I am building a new computer, I feel
the need for speed (in mult-tasking).
73s all around
----- Original Message -----
From: "Scot Herrick" <scot@k9jy.com>
To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 17:01 PM
Subject: RE: [WriteLog] What Have I missed
> Every reflector's strength is also it's weakness. What I
have observed over
> the last year and a half on the reflector is fewer 'new
person' questions
> and a lot more 'advanced' questions, answers and
> I attribute the fewer 'new person' questions to three of
> first, the www.writelog.com site has had a bunch of
upgrades to it in the
> support area. I went and looked the other day and was
really pleased to see
> a bunch of new good stuff there.
> Second, somewhat selfishly, I think that my web site at
www.k9jy.com has
> helped a bunch of people get off to a really good start
with the software.
> While I still have a bunch to do on the site, the emails I
get have been
> very, very positive. As a result, there is a lot less
setup questions on the
> reflector instead now going to something more challenging
on the reflector.
> Hopefully there are fewer support emails as well going to
the developers
> which was one of my objectives - have them work the
> Third, WriteLog, in my humble opinion, is becoming a
standard for single-op
> contesting. There are a lot more people in our local clubs
here in the US
> who have the program and that we can ask locally our
questions or can come
> over and help us set it up. But right now there are only
two hams in New
> Zealand who have the program - and I've emailed with them
> The reason you see so much stuff on RTTY on the reflector
(and before this
> with SO2R contesting), is that there are many, many
variables to set it up.
> Sound card vs TNC. Or use both because it works better.
AFSK or FSK. Or both
> depending on PSK/mode. Two radio contesting with TNC's and
soundcard. Which
> sound card is the best (it really depends), which board to
get more serial
> ports (it really depends). And each radio in each of these
setups have
> differences. So the really good thing about the reflector
is that you can
> find someone who mirrors what you are trying to do. But to
'standardize' the
> support for these types of setup is really difficult (I
know because I've
> thought a lot about trying to do it).
> RTTY scores on the reflector should be posted to the 3830
site. The reason
> they are posted here is that the RTTY reflector was
sponsored by WF1B and
> also supported RTTY as a mode. It's a carry over that some
people don't
> expect to see scores for RTTY on 3830.
> It's a pretty good reflector. It could be much, much
> CU...Scot, K9JY
> See the complete WriteLog user guide at
> mailto:scot@k9jy.com
> On Mon, 2 Apr 2001 22:38:47 -0500, Dave & Judi Jaksa
> >
> > Allen,
> >
> > I am also relatively new WriteLog user, having very
recently converted
> over
> > from many years of using CT. With that said, here are
my observations on
> > what you may, or may not, have missed.
> >
> > I have been disappointed in the almost exclusively RTTY
content of this
> > group I was hoping to get additional information that
would help me
> learn
> > the subtle nuances of WriteLog. I have looked for
other WriteLog
> reflectors
> > but this seems to be it. So, I think the answer is to
put up with the
> heavy
> > RTTY content and RTTY contest score posts or write off
WriteLog and go to
> > something different. After a few weeks of this I have
to seriously
> wonder
> > if anybody uses WriteLog for DX, SS, WPX, etc.
contesting or if it is
> just
> > an RTTY tool.
> --
> WWW: http://www.writelog.com/
> Submissions: writelog@contesting.com
> Administrative requests: writelog-REQUEST@contesting.com
> Problems: owner-writelog@contesting.com
WWW: http://www.writelog.com/
Submissions: writelog@contesting.com
Administrative requests: writelog-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems: owner-writelog@contesting.com