[WriteLog] Alt-K

Dave W7DPW w7dpw@home.com
Tue, 31 Jul 2001 21:25:04 -0700

I am testing  MMTTY/Writelog, AFSK and notice the unusual happenings nearly
as discribed by John, WA9ALS, for ALT-K.

The first time I hit ALT-K during a fresh session of Writelog, the type
ahead box comes up, not in transmit.  I type something into the box and
press transmit button and the information is tansmitted and is placed into
the Rttyrite window in blue. I have to press the receive button to terminate
the transmission. I can continuing using the type ahead buffer like this
until I close it.

The next time I use an alt-K, I get a type ahead buffer window without
buttons and when called up, it goes to transmit right away. I have to press
alt-k one more time to clse the window and go to receive.

All transmitted characters go into the transmit window and are blue in

I have only begun to try out writelog for the first time. I have been using
WF1B RTTY with MMTTY for some time and it really works great.  I use MMTTY
stand alone for conversational rtty program because of its many features and
good printing.

I hope my observations are useful.

Dave W7DPW