[WriteLog] Alt-K and Xmit Display

tmwebb@ionet.net tmwebb@ionet.net
Wed, 1 Aug 2001 08:30:49 -0500 (CDT)

All seems to be well at this QTH with the marriage of WriteLog, RTTYrite,
and MMTTY.  I saw the comments about the Alt-K problem and gave it a try.

Sure enough, it didn't appear.  However, I peaked behind the MMTTY display
and there was the 'type ahead' box.  It seems the MMTTY display remains on
top of everything including Help files.  No biggy as I would proably only
use the Alt-K in a non-contest environment anyway.

One other problem I've encountered is the display of transmitted text in
RTTYrite.  When I transmit text via a macro, it displays in blue, again no
biggy, but it is unreadable until I click on the border of the window. Only
then does it become quite clear and readable.  Is there a way to edit/manipulate
the font/color of the transmitted text in RTTYrite?

I'm running Windows 98SE, by the by.

All in all, when the bits and pieces get worked out, we'll have one super
contesting package!

Tom Webb, WA9AFM/5