[WriteLog] Show "Unclaimed" QSOs?
Kurszewski Chad-WCK005
Mon, 6 Aug 2001 10:49:32 -0500
Does anyone know of a way to list or show the QSOs that have
been previously marked as "unclaimed" (by right-clicking on
the call in the log and selecting "Mark QSO as Unclaimed")?
Going through a log that is thousands of QSOs is very difficult
to spot the couple QSOs that are unclaimed. It would be nice
if there was some way to just see those QSOs. Like maybe under
the "View" menu, it would be cool to add two new views:
"Unclaimed QSOs", and "Dupes", in addition to "Normal", "Only
the log", etc. Or, maybe just a report written to a file.
Also, this feature written to a file would be useful for
submitting to the contest sponsor. Let me explain one major
reason why. Let's say that I'm doing CQWW M/S. The multiplier
station inadvertently works a station that is not a multiplier.
(Accidents can happen.) Therefore, we cannot claim that QSO.
So, we would want to "Mark QSO as Unclaimed". But, this actually
is a valid QSO for the other station. When the contest
sponsors score (and crosscheck) the logs, my Cabrillo (or other
format) log will not show that QSO. The other station will
get a NIL and get 3 penalty QSOs. I'm too nice of a person
to knowingly do that to someone. Therefore, contest sponsors
have told me to list the QSOs that I'm not claiming, but are
valid for the other station. This report from WL would be
great for doing this.
Chad WE9V