[WriteLog] Working dupes

Bruce Lifter, WT4I rr wt4i@cfl.rr.com
Tue, 7 Aug 2001 23:32:49 -0400

If you send me a "QSO B4 OM TU" message. Although some times that may be 
true, more often than not you will get get a response from me like "not 
in log...  pse work again." By sending the QSO B4 message rather than 
working and logging the dupe, you either slow us both down or risk losing 
the QSO.

73, Bruce WT4I

> When you 
> are CQ ing, then the example F key program provided in the Writelog manual 
> for dupe checking before the exchange works extremely well.  I have yet to 
> have any station who called me question my programmed response when CQing 
> that he was "QSO B4 OM TU" QRZ N0AJ.  This works equally well for both RTTY 
> and CW.  Sure I have logged dupes before, but I try my damndest not to.  So 
> should everyone.  Its just a matter of pride in trying to keep the log 
> clean.  When we finally let the electrons do all the thinking for us then 
> we are doomed!
> Jim, N0AJ