[WriteLog] WAE Reports
Thu, 09 Aug 2001 12:27:36 EDT
I just went through the WAE reports for WAE Phone/CW (Eu & non-Eu)Contest and found some minor problems. These are not show stoppers, but they should be fixed. At the very least, heads up if you use them for contest reporting.
1.) Summary Sheet is titled "WAE RTTY Contest". Should be "WAE Contest".
2.) Summary sheet says that logs are due Dec 15. Should be Sept 15.
3.) WAEDC mailing address is different than shown on current DARC web site. Maybe either address will work, but who knows?
4.) Contest Parameter Setup brings up a window titled "WAE RTTY Score Sheet". Should be "WAE Score Sheet".
As I say, these are not critical, unless you send your logs in on Dec 15th to a wrong address! Heads up.
73, George, K5KG