John E Bastin, K8AJS jbastin@sssnet.com
Wed, 15 Aug 2001 09:33:10 -0400

At 08:48 -0300 08/15/2001, PY5EG wrote:
>      I´m using the last version of WL 10.27 and is not possible to create a
>cabrillo file.
>      On the previous version I had no problem.
>      Any help would be apreciated.

For what contest?

I'm still running 10.26b, but I now see that IT doesn't offer the Cabillo file option for WAE, although the option is there for IARU HF WC and All Asia DX.

Does 10.27 remove the option for ALL contests?

J o h n   B a s t i n           K 8 A J S
jbastin@sssnet.com         K8AJS@arrl.net