[WriteLog] can't get FSK to work
FireBrick" <w9ol@billnjudy.com
Sat, 18 Aug 2001 06:44:06 -0500
I'm really stumped.
I prefer running my MP in RTTY mode as I don't have to worry about the audio
gain and a possible maladjustment and subsequent overdrive.
Using MMULTY alone, version .16B, the settings will send FSK from my MP.
But in WRITELOG, with the MMULTY plugin, I get a steady tone if the MP is in
the RTTY mode.
It does send AFSK if the MP is in the PKT mode.
As I can hear the tones in the speakers, it seems that the soundcard is
generating the tones but they are not causing the MP to shift it's tone.
Additionally. the RITTY plugin no longer works in Writelog, with MP in RTTY
mode as it did before the upgrade and installation of the MMULTY plugin.
RITTY DOES work in standalone in FSK mode.
I Only Drink Beer on Days That End In "Y"
Bill H. in Chicagoland