[WriteLog] WriteLog Scoring Problem
Scot Herrick
Tue, 21 Aug 2001 15:40:00 -0000
Hi Don,
I worked 7L4IOU as well so this is interesting. I think WriteLog scored the
multiplier correctly as the rules in SARTG state that stations operating
outside of their normal call area should sign portable (i.e., K9JY/4 if I
would have used my callsign at K4JA's). I know that it correctly scored
stateside stations signing portable.
Now, I didn't know 7L4IOU was in the first call area of JA (how could I know
from the callsign??). So the ugly question for the contest sponsor is that
if the station doesn't sign portable, does it obligate the all the other
stations to have a tool like WT4I's Cabrillo program (which I own) to know
where everyone is located and change their multiplier total??
I think probably a RTTY reflector posting question since I believe WriteLog
is scoring correctly based upon the rules. Some guidance from the contest
sponsors would be nice on this one!
CU...Scot, K9JY
See WriteLog's complete user manual at
K9JY's WriteLog site http://www.k9jy.com
> OK guys and gals, this is not a biggie but it is a problem.
> It's probably not limited to just SARTG, but that's where
> I found it - after this weekend's SARTG RTTY contest.
> I ran my ASCII generated file from WriteLog into WT4I's
> Cabrillo Converter, then into Cabrillo Tools and noticed that
> multipliers were off by two. The QSO's were the same and
> the points were the same so I didn't have any bad QSO's not
> getting credit. WriteLog had me at 166 mults. Cabrillo
> Tools had me at 164 mults. I didn't know why.
> One by one I compared my WriteLog log with my Cabrillo
> log and found that WriteLog scored 7L4IOU in JA4 call area,
> when in fact, he is in JA1 area. Cabrillo Tools knew it was a JA1
> area callsign. Since I worked 7L4IOU twice (on 15 and 20M)
> and no JA4 area stations, my multiplier count was off by two.
> 73, Don AA5AU
> http://www.geocities.com/aa5au/