[WriteLog] Auto CQ doesn't STOP

WA9ALS - John wa9als@starband.net
Wed, 22 Aug 2001 21:38:19 -0500

> However, because of the slowness of RTTY, it's better to hit the ESC
> key when someone comes back to you.  Once you get in the habit of hitting
> ESC to stop your auto-CQ, it becomes natural.

Don, you surely don't -type- the callsign into the ENTRY box?  So why not
have it stop when you click on the guy answering you?  Sure, you can mouse
with one hand and hit the ESC with the other, but why do 2 things?

Regardless of how each of us might handle this, is there any argument
for -not- having it stop when a call is clicked into the entry area?