[WriteLog] Any way to interface via USB or IRda

John E Bastin, K8AJS jbastin@sssnet.com
Thu, 30 Aug 2001 16:25:29 -0400

At 09:00 +0200 08/29/2001, Fabio Grisafi \(IT9GSF\) wrote:
>Today, a lot of notebooks are made without an RS232 port.
>I'm going to buy a new desktop with only one serial port, two USBs, an IRda 1.1 port, a PS2,
>a parallel port and an IEEE1394. There is also an RJ45 for LAN/telephone line.
>I have to interface my radio first, and TNC, TTY.....etc.
>Is it possible to use some external interface ? Also, I know there are USB adapters...but they don't
>work in DOS of course.
At 08:49 +0530 08/30/2001, Manoj Agarwal wrote:
>I have  the same issue at the present time also
>I have the  same Type of computer and looking for the interface for the radio and the key port.
>I have used the one serial port for the TNC which is available.
>USB to serial converters seem to be very expensive $75 ++.
>Any suggestions ? for the usb port if can be used directly or the Irda port?

I'm running WL under PC emulation on a Macintosh PowerBook 400MHz G3 with no serial ports, interfacing to my FT1000MP through a Keyspan PDA USB adapter. I'm doing radio control and PC-generated CW through the one DB-9 serial port on the adapter.

I don't operate TTY in any fashion yet, but if it can run through a serial port, I see no reason it can't be handled with the Keyspan adapter.

Oh, yes, I don't have a TNC, so that's not an issue. I'm using a telnet connection to the packet cluster via Ethernet to the cable Internet connection on my home network.

The Keyspan PDA adapter is shown today at $39.99 at MicroConnection; you may be able to find it for less money at other suppliers.

Lack of serial ports doesn't need to be an issue.

Hope this helps.


J o h n   B a s t i n           K 8 A J S
jbastin@sssnet.com         K8AJS@arrl.net