[WriteLog] Rig control problem with Writelog 10.27G

Fabio Mantovani, IZ4AFW iz4afw@libero.it
Fri, 31 Aug 2001 21:21:20 +0200

Hi all,

   I have a problem with rig interfacing in Writelog 10.27G.
As soon as I start Writelog I get an error window which reports "Rig 
manager not present! No rig drivers loaded". The program anyway starts, but 
in "Setup/Ports" I can't  choose any model of rig (the drop-down list is 
empty). I looked for a solution in the help, it says I should have a file 
called WLOGRIGS.DLL but on my hard drives I can't find it anywhere. Is the 
problem here? Where can I find that file? It's not in the 10.26B full 
installation nor in the 10.27G upgrade....
Please help, any suggestion will be appreciated!


  Effugere nemo id potest, quod futurum est. (Publilio Siro)

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