[Re: AW: [WriteLog] W5XD keyer control]

Duane Calvin ac5aa@usa.net
2 Dec 2001 19:57:33 CST

Maybe what you are describing is what I used to call a lack of "forgiveness"
in certain keyers.  One particular MFJ that I had made me think I had
forgotten how to send with a paddle.  Turns out, when I switched over to one
of the Logikey's (Idiom Press) I never had the problem again.  Now I have two
Logikeys.  For my sending style (I grew up with straight keys and bugs) there
are just some keyers which will not work for me due to the timing they expect
on the paddle(s).  With the Logikey's for sure (maybe some others) I never
have a problem.  

For your consideration...

   73, Duane

Clive Whelan <clive@gw3njw.fsworld.co.uk> wrote:
 Jim Brannigan wrote:
> Now, after years of using twin paddles in "straight mode" I'm not sure I
> could use a single paddle keyer.
> Iambic keying has some advantages, but I wonder how many hams actually use
> it.

Your question is very relevant, and one which Wayne/W5XD will need to 
consider for future firmware updates ( will these be plug in replacements I 
wonder- Wayne?). Inasmuch as there is a continuing market for single lever 
paddles, and yet no keyer that I know fails to offer iambic mode, I suspect 
the answer might be a minority. We need a straw poll, and perhaps the good 
guys here will vote.

and  DL1EFD wrote

> hmm, for me the possibility to switch off dot/dash memory is
> more
> important. I wonder who invented these in the first place
> anyway.
> You have to move your fingers even faster... Unfortunately
> most
> rigs internal keyer has these memories. I just can't get used
> to
> them.

Hundertprozentig korrekt! Perhaps it is old age and numb fingers, or plain 
sloppiness but I also can't get used to the dot memory being permanently on. 
W9TO in 196x with a Mercury wetted relay worked as well as anything since 


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Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas

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