[WriteLog] CQWW SSB IG9A M/M HP & WriteLog

Fabio Grisafi fgrisafi@ltsnet.it
Mon, 3 Dec 2001 01:36:30 +0100

It seems we could be in the first place world as Multi Multi in the CQWW
Contest SSB,
we wish to thank WriteLog software engineers as this software helped us very
much to
get the approacing 20,000 QSO total.

Our stations were located on vans in a field day style QTH with a lot of RF,
bad ground connections.

WriteLog did its job very fine, we used also some WLAN connections and we
had a
great experience.......very important: it was our first contest using WL

We have some suggestions about improving the software (super check partial,
info on the
gab window, needed mults not in evidence, etc.). We are sure WriteLog will
be the
standard in the next future among contesters all over the world as it was CT
in the past.

Just needs some minor improvements....

73 de Fabio, IT9GSF (One of IG9A M/M).

                    CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 2001

      Call: IG9A                     Country:  African Italy
      Mode: SSB                      Category: Multi Multi
      Zone: 33


      160      812     2416     13      70
       80     1598     4766     24      91
       40     2452     7309     34     125
       20     4850    14496     40     162
       15     4735    14128     38     162
       10     5034    15027     40     179

     Totals  19482    58143    188     789  =>  56,805,711

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Operator List: 9A3GW, 9A6A, 9H1EL, I4AVG, I4EAT, I4TJE, I4VEQ,

It was a big experience ! Seven stations, field day style, seven
towers, ten yagis, two tall verticals for 80 and 160 with hundreds
of radials, dozens of beverages, tons of equipments....
all built in six days and dismantled the day after the contest !
Very good propagation the first day on all bands...except lowers.
Absorbtion problems the second day.
Thanks to all supporters and friends that helped us.

Our www site (QRV in few days):   www.qsl.net/ig9a

Equipment Description:
160: FT990, H.M. Amplifier, >30m tall vertical with 100 radials,
     beverages. (Operators: SV8CS and IT9CHU)
 80: IC781 x 2, H.M. Amplifier, lambda/4 vertical with 160 radials,
     beverages. (Operators: I4AVG and I4EAT - 9A6A first hours)
 40: IC781 x 2, H.M. Amplifier, KLM 4 el. yagi @20 m.,
     beverages. (Operators: I4VEQ, IV3TMV, 9A6A).
 20: IC775, H.M. Amplifier, 5 over 5 stack yagi system by IT9EQO @18m,
     204BA @13m. (Operators: I4TJE, N5ZO (OH6DO), S50R).
 15: IC775, IC756PRO, H.M. Amplifier, 6 over 6 stack yagi system by
     IT9EQO @18m, 155CA @10m (Operators: 9A3GW, JH4RHF, IT9EQO).
 10: IC775, H.M. Amplifier, 5 over 5 stack yagi system by IT9EQO @15m,
     6 el. yagi @6 m. (Operators: 9H1EL, IT9GSF, IT9INO).

MULT: SV2DCD and QRM + runner stations ops during QRX.

 Dunestar and IQ4A filter on all bands, special modified BCC Beverage
 box for 160, 80 and 40 meters stations.

 Software used: WRITELOG 10.27g

 Tower climbers: IV3TMV, 9A3GW, I4VEQ

 Engineering: IT9EQO

 Network: IW9GIH

 Operator's selector and contest strategy: IT9GSF

 Club Affiliation: MCC (Marconi Contest Club)

 73 de IT9GSF, Fabio.