[WriteLog] W5XD keyer control]

Jim Brannigan jbrannig@optonline.net
Mon, 03 Dec 2001 17:46:06 -0500

Very true, very true.........
and I miss using my bug the same way I now have fond memories of Army basic
training or wearing a dink freshman year.......


> Iambic keying, like Windows, is one of today's de-facto standards.
> Rather than making his keyer backwards-compatible with techniques
> of the past, my vote is for Wayne to spend his time working on
> enhanced features for Writelog. (Like LPT port support for higher
> versions of Windows so I can upgrade and still use my custom SO2R
> interface box!)
> We old dogs can learn new tricks. I was licensed in 1961, never
> had a bug, but built a single-paddle keyer in 1970. I discovered dot
> memory and dual paddles around 1980 and thought I was in CW
> heaven. Taking on iambic keying in 1985 was less fun, and I still
> don't use full iambic capability. But I can go to a M/S, M/M, or
> Field Day, grab anyone's paddle and send CW -- that's the value
> of standardization.
> 73, Gary
> K9AY