[WriteLog] Entry window fonts - summary of results
Jon Harder
Tue, 4 Dec 2001 13:24:04 -0000
My thanks to all who answered my post about the problems I was having with
the WL 10.28D Setup / Entry Window Font tool. I've found a partial
solution to get a font of choice working in Entry, but no way yet to get the
WL tool working right.
>From the replies it seems that for some the Setup tool works fine, and for
others not at all, even if the fonts have been properly installed in Windows
via the Control Panel Fonts tool. . BTW, before posting I had already
installed three different slash-zero fonts via the Windows 98 Control Panel.
WL permitted me to use any of these in the LOG window, but only six
non-slash fonts were allowed in the ENTRY window.
Ned, K1GU, describes it precisely, "Shouldn't all Windows installed fonts be
present? The .ini entries have no effect." Exactly!
I had played with the [Entry] section font entries but had no success.
Then Rick, W7LKG, kindly sent me a copy of his WL INI file. He's using the
slash-zero Andale Mono font (available at http://ab7sl.com/ ) ... Here's
his [Entry] section font excerpt --
FaceName=Andale Mono
This worked right away for me, though bolded and rather too large for my
setup. I have since altered it to a height value of -13 and weight of 400
to get unbolded regular 10 point, which looks just right on my 800 x 600
display. Getting the right "font family" number appears to be crucial.
Thanks to Rick's file I learned that the modified AndaleMono belongs to
family 33. Anybody know where to find a font family list WITH NUMBERS?
Checking back afterward at Setup / Entry Window Font, the dialog box looks
just the same as it ever did, offering only Courier, CourierNew, FixedSys,
LCDNUM, LetterGothic, Lucida Console, OCR B MT, OCR A, Quick Type Mono, and
Terminal. On the other hand, my Windows /Font folder shows me a total of
157 installed fonts, all of which are available for the WL Log window, but
NOT shown as possibilities for Entry!
So, editing the INI file manually gets it done, provided you know what to
enter! Thanks again Rick, and all.
73 de Jon K1US
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ned Swartz, K1GU" <k1sop@arrl.net>
To: <writelog@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 1:21 AM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Entry window fonts
| Jon, K1US wrote:
| > The Setup / Log Font tab allows free selection of any installed font.
| > Entry Window Font tab reduces the available choices to only a few very
| > ones -- none of which will produce the slash zero.
| >
| > I tried editing WL.INI to manually enter a few, but no joy from that
| I've noticed the same behavior (ver. 10.28C, Win 98SE), although I do have
one slash zero font
| among the six available. Shouldn't all Windows installed fonts be
present? The .ini entries have
| no effect.
| Ned, K1GU
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