[WriteLog] Re: [RTTY] TARA 2001 @ W7NN (power failures...)
Mon, 3 Dec 2001 13:46:19 -0800 (PST)
Yes, the Wx can be a problem when the power goes out during a
contest (or any other time).
I just bought a backup power supply at Circuit City a few days ago.
It will supply 750 VA for about 20 minutes, which is ample time to
backup your files and turn everything off before it runs out of
power. You can get larger/smaller ones but I figured that would take
care of my setup.
It only cost me $59 and I am sure it will pay for itself by saving
me all the possible aggravation of reinstalling all my files etc. and
the cost of replacing any equipment that may be damaged.
I went thru all that about three years ago. It took me a month or
more to get almost all of the files back in order.
One other time I lost the ground to my house wiring. As luck would
have it, the XYL was right by the refrigerator when this happened.
The ground wire to the power coming into the house separated where
they had bolted (spliced) it together when we built the house. The
refrigerator motor sped up due to 220 volts being applied to it. She
immediately pulled the plug. (She thought it sounded like the motor
had sped up, it might have been for other reasons).
I lost a few clocks, two surge protectors to my Ham equipment, a
couple lamps, plus some other things. The total loss was about $550
as that is what the power company sent me a check for. I was lucky
the power company agreed with me.
You can't depend on just house fuses and ground wires for
Wayne from Maine, KC1YF
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