[WriteLog] Entry window font

W. Wright, W5XD w5xd@writelog.com
Fri, 7 Dec 2001 22:56:38 -0000

> Why does WL only permit access to a very small number of fonts 
> for the entry window, whereas for the log window , virtually all 
> are available.
> In particular it will not permit installation of "slashed zero 
> arial" which is a  much better font than "andale mono" which is 
> permitted.
> Anyone know?

The entry window limits its selections to mono-spaced fonts. 
"Mono-spaced" means all characters in the font take up the
same width. Why the mono-spaced limit? because thats the way
the software was written some years ago and the programmer 
hasn't bothered to update it.

Wayne, W5XD