[WriteLog] FT-920 polling problem

Rick Commo Rick.Commo@verizon.net
Sat, 8 Dec 2001 13:57:31 -0800

WriteLog 10.28C
Rig: Yaesu FT-920

Problem: 1) When started up, WriteLog sometimes reads and tracks
            the rig's freq/mode and sometimes doesn't.
         2) Sometimes the program will stop "reading" the rig during
            a contest so that all the freq. data is off.

In all cases, the "CAT" indicator on the FT-920 is blinking so it seems like
the program is indeed polling the rig.  Changing the band/mode of the rig
does nothing to change the situation.

In all cases using the SET button to the left of the QSO entry box will
restore proper operation of WriteLog.  Typically what I do is just type in
the freq/mode that the rig is already on and "set" the radio back to itself.
Once it's been "whupped upside the head" things seem to work for a while.

Is anyone else seeing similar kinds of problems.  Don't know if it's
WriteLog or the FT920.  Perhaps I will try the "hard" reset that Yaesu shows
in the manual.

73s and thanks,