[WriteLog] Version 10.30 Suggestions ...

Billy Cox aa4nu@ix.netcom.com
Thu, 13 Dec 2001 13:19:19 -0600

<First a LARGE TU to everyone who has been helping me
  with the setup of Writelog and the progress being made ...>

With the ARRL 10m this weekend, thought I'd post this and
encourage others to look for other possible enhancements
and improvements during the contest ?

Ideas for 10.30 (since it looks like 10.29 is well into beta
from reading the revision notes at www.writelog.com )

Now that I have a couple thousand Q's with WL ... 

1. Clear up the occasional "appearance of the Help file"
    when doing a SAVE while using the F1 for CQing ...
    <Yes, I am using the "CT mode" ...>

2. Clear up the "overwriting" that occurs when the entry box's 
     "UNKNOWN MULT" message gets overwritten by another 
     message, with the result being red gibbish ... Like when 
     the DUPE message + the UNKNOWN MULT mix together.

3. When using the Space Bar to check for a DUPE, how
    about options as to how the previous QSO data is 
    displayed ?  It shows FREQ first, where I'd prefer to see:
    "Dupe at 1336Z on 1854 TN"  Rather than the present:
    "Dupe on 1854 at 1336Z> TN" <People check THEIR
     logs for the QSO by TIME, not by FREQ>

4. Editing the log ... sometimes I end up there and not back
    at the entry window ... perhaps some form of a lockout option
    for clumsily fingered ops like me ...

5. Include some sample TEST.WAV files to help set the levels
    and troubleshoot the wiring of the sound card ? (Or post
    them on the www.contesting.com download site ?)

6. Faster way to re-network the computers upon restart ...
    (Something that remembers the details of the previous
     network settings, and works like a old 'DOS batch' did)

7. Interlocks for CW/SSB that work like the RTTY does ...

8. Different startup option screens ... by mode, so that the
    RTTY window only comes up for a "RTTY startup", etc.

9. Make the cursor MOVE over from CALLSIGN to the
    next field while WL is sending the EXCHANGE message.
    Do this and the "TR RUN" and "WL RUN" mode will be 
    exactly the same. It's close now .... but ...  (Perhaps an
    WriteLog.INI line option, like the CT line option ?)

That' my list ... there still much I simply don't fully understand
yet as to how to make the most of the program's potential ...

Other points of interest ...

A. Had a problem with WL and Geoclock during the ARRL
     160m ... before blaming WL, checked and Geoclock has 
      an update ... no problems since doing that. My point ? 
      Don't blame WL for every "bug" or issue that occurs.

B. NO lockups due to Writelog!

73 Billy AA4NU  ... who still wishes his K1EA board worked with WL!
                                ( I know Wayne ... I know ... still ...)