PY5EG py5eg@inepar.com.br
Fri, 14 Dec 2001 17:10:56 -0200

Hi Friends:

      Probably somebody could help me before the contest starts.
      I have the following configuration of equipment:
      FT 1000D + ACOM
      FT 1000Marck V + ACOM
      SO2R Top Ten Box
      Pentium III computer windows 2000
      Sound Board.
      WL version 10.28C

      Operating manually everithing is fine.
      Automatic operation - reception is all ok.
                                    - When I togle the computer to L Radio
works ok audio and mic
                                    - When I togle  the computer to  R Radio
does not transfer the mic

      I already change the cables and they are ok
      Taking Mic out through the computer, inserting directly into the SO2R
box the system works ok.

      Seems to us that when the mic audio comes through the sound board only
feeds one radio.(left)

      BTW I will play only for few hours!!!!

      Oms PY5EG