[WriteLog] Reports question...
Sun, 16 Dec 2001 14:52:06 EST
Doug K6HGF wrote:
<<. . . . For instance, the OK contest asks for a seperate log sheet for each
band, but I find no option for that. I'm used to WF1B generating a .10 .15
.20 etc.
What am I missing with Writelog?
Hi Doug,
Thanks for the exchange on 20m. You were always a real 599 when I made a pass
each time I heard you.
To send a log for each band, I did the following:
1 - click FILE in WL main window
2 - click SAVE AS
3 - click SCROLL ARROW in bottom window of SAVE COPY AS window
(do not forget to name your file or use name given)
4 - hi-lite ASCII no formatting by band (*.txt) and click
5 - close SAVE COPY AS window
Now you have your log saved by band. I then use MY text editor to CUT and
PASTE. That is, cut 80m and save to W4UEF.80, etc. Others may have shorter
methods. However, being an old DOS person, this my "comfort zone method".
Gud luck.
ue Rick W4UEF