[WriteLog] Rotor support & sound cards

Don Melcher don@hfradio.com
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 09:38:24 -0800

I would like to see the bearings in the Beam Headings window turn into
buttons - both the Direction and LP Direction - then a simple click on the
button with the mouse would put the antenna in the right direction.

Re: sound cards - after using the DVK with CT for years, I find soundcards
much better - you can edit the file WITHOUT re-recording it - even with the
stock windows sound recorder, it is a LOT easier to work with. Plus it works
with a notebook. I have three notebooks set up in addition to my desktop -
something I could never do without soundcard support - that was the PRIMARY
reason I switched from CT as I got tired of DOS and proprietary cards that
required that I have a dedicated desktop ONLY computer for contest - because
of that, I had not participated in a contest for about 2 years.

The coolest little setup is my Hitachi Visionbook Traveler
http://www.hitachipc.com/notebooks/vbt3000.html  - a P133 sub notebook
9.5x6.8x1.3 inches and 2.75 pounds - yes the keyboard is small - as is the
screen - 8.4" Active Matrix - but running at 640x480 - not bad. It does have
a PS2 port for an external keyboard - and I found a small one with full size
keys. I also have a PCMCIA 2 serial port card, so I could also do an
external mouse and have a port left over for packet or rotator control
should the need arise- but I really don't find a need for the mouse. I used
it as is in SS CW and found it quite workable.
