[WriteLog] Sound with sound card

Billy Cox aa4nu@ix.netcom.com
Tue, 18 Dec 2001 21:36:34 -0600

>You are correct but the only other SOFTWARE that works is with
>TRLOG and the documentation is even MUCH worse and the result
>is even worse, requiring DOS to run and a lot more knowledge.

The boards (W9XT/K1EA) work with TR, NA, and CT ... CT is the
only one of the three that also allows the "Alpha", "Bravo", etc. type
of recording and keying ... similar to what WL does. I've personally
never used that, but hear more and more folks choosing to and if
done properly ... hey that's a great use of present technology.

>I agree that a better document and better in interface would help but I can
>easily tell when I am recording. I just remove the MIC from my radio and
>when I start I hear the PTT relay and when I end I here it drop. I also use
>the monitor.

I am sure that works ... but the idea that to use a 'top tier' software
package by plugging and unplugging the MIC like that ... come on !

>It is free and that is enough for me FOR NOW, as I assume it will improve.
>WriteLog was and still is the premier RTTY software but it cannot survive
>as ONLY RTTY and I am sure it will improve for SSB. I already think it is
>MUCH better than TRLOG, even with bugs in contest modules.

Notice what I said regarding WL for RTTY and CW ... as to which is
better, or much better ... that's always going to be a personal choice.

>If you want to make complaints it should IMHO, concentrate on the REAL

Gil, I think defining the real problem will vary by each user. You have
a background that includes much more in depth information than most
of us ... that's why we don't always understand your posts or the manner
in which you state the information, many times it comes across as just
negative posts ... which I don't think is really what you always intend ?

The challenge here is how do we acknowledge, from the users and from
the WL providers, what are the real issues, what are the possible
improvements, and when/if we can expect positive changes ?

This week it's sound cards, next week in may be more modules ...

My point here is collectively we need a better process to move
from negative issues to positive solutions.

73 Billy AA4NU