[WriteLog] I can't stand it anymore - Pro Writelog Comment

Barry w2up@mindspring.com
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 16:03:55 -0000

I agree with Richard 100%. Insult or piss off Wayne and he will ignore 
you. If enough people do it, who knows, he may give it up.

Here's my real life analogy:
In the late 80s/early 90s, I was produced and sold kits for a packet 
modem I designed, for the Commodore 64 (Digicom64). The first few 
years (I call it the "first wave") were fun, getting a lot of positive 
feedback, and I even made a little money (less than $10/kit, actually). 
Eventually the first wave ended, and the second wave began. It 
included guys who never built anything before, but were too cheap to 
buy it from me pre-assembled.  Some of the PC boards (approx 3x5 
inches with several ICs and other small parts) returned to me looked 
like they were assembled using a blowtorch or 200 W Weller gun.  A 
few I could handle. At some point, it became too time consuming and 
frustrating, and I just said "I don't need this. I have a life and real job," 
and that was it for me.

Let's not do this to Wayne.
Barry W2UP

On 19 Dec 2001 Richard Thorne wrote:

> I can't take it any more.
> Writelog is a great program, has good support and continues to improve.
> Did anyone see the posting from Ron about 10.29 being released which
> address's several of the issues that have been discussed on this
> reflector?
> These guys have real jobs to make a living and write/distribute WL in
> their spare time.
> How many of you have purchased other programs (non-ham radio related)
> and had compatibility problems with the video card or sound card ect
> ect.  Hey its part of having a computer.
> What I can't stand, and I mean can't stand is the following type of
> post:
>     ' I can't get  xxxx to work, it should, the author should have
> thought of this before, he needs to fix it now'
>     ' The documentation stinks I can't even print it out'
>     ' This feature would be a piece of cake to code, where's Wayne?'
> ect, ect, ect
> This reflector is a support group and a very good one.  If you can't
> find it in the manual or the archives ask your questions here, 9 times
> out of 10 you'll get a decent answer.  The 1 out of 10 is probably a
> hardware issue on your pc and no one here on the reflector will be able
> to help you.
> But please stop the posts about the author needs to this or that and it
> needs to be like ct or tr or na or....  Hey I was a CT and NA user
> before Writelog.  But everything is going to windows, dos is on its way
> out if not all ready gone.  Writelog is doing a very good job and I
> think a little support for Wayne and Ron would go a lot farther than
> complaining that it doesn't do this or that.
> If you have a problem ask your question here.  If you have an idea to
> make the program better post it here.  But stop the complaining.  If you
> don't like it use something else.  I for one am going to sign up for
> another year of releases and continue to support the program.
> THANKS to Wayne and Ron for writing and supporting a great program.
> --
> Richard Thorne - N5ZC
> Amarillo, TX
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Barry Kutner, W2UP              Internet: w2up@mindspring.com
Newtown, PA                     Frankford Radio Club