[WriteLog] suggestions

Dave L Thompson k4jrb@juno.com
Fri, 21 Dec 2001 19:13:14 -0500

I still think there is a large body of users that need a complete,
concise documentation
that can be printed off.  Proposed sections (those who do RTTY/MTTY can
add more):
1.	Basic software description
2.	Getting started with:  CW, SSB, digital modes
3.	Interfacing to the PC and soundcard basics
4.	Advanced interfacing and CW keying
5	SSB voice keying
6.	Emulation modes and PF keys
7.	The help files
8.	Known bugs and pitfalls. This could incude the soundcard test.
9.	The suggested circuits (a summary of) for interfacing and keying

These are scattered all over the place and with me weak eyesight its hard
to keep them much less find them.

I agree this is a good product, makes use of Windows conventions, and
will have problems (as all feature rich software products do).  

Seasons Greetings and see evryone in the CQ WW 160 Contests in 2002.
73 Dave K4JRB