Fw: [WriteLog] Unregard MMTTY Setup Problems

Jerry Ford benlightnd13@home.com
Sat, 22 Dec 2001 16:24:27 -0600

Hang in there Tom:      There are a bunch of us in there with you
man!!   Reminds me of the old nursery rime
" I think I can "   " I think I can "         hee hee
C  U and keep on pluggen:        Jerry       N0JRN

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom & Judie Webb" <tmwebb@ionet.net>
Subject: [WriteLog] Unregard MMTTY Setup Problems

> One has to remember to also load the MMTTY Plugin to WL  Now.....I'm
going to take my medication......this configuring a new compute
business is not for the faint of heart.
> WA9AFM/5