[WriteLog] Getting Started

Billy Cox aa4nu@ix.netcom.com
Sat, 22 Dec 2001 22:02:57 -0600

>So then I tried to get into RTTY.  Nothing doing; I cannot get 
>writelog to talk to my TNC.  The TNC is a Kam+ connected 
>to COM1.  For a while, every time I tried to select COM1, Writelog
> gave me a "COM port not available" message.  I did go into 
>writelog.ini and set the port entry to: COM1:=1200,n,8,1 There 
>used to be a ",x" at the end of this line, but I deleted it.  Thus the
>entry now looks exactly like the entry in the tutorial.  Anyway, 
>somehow during the course of my fiddling I got Writelog into 
>a new mode.  Now when I try to tell it COM1, I get a message 
>"Initializing Host Mode...Please Wait." After a few seconds, 
>RTTYwrite sez "Rttywrite failed to put KAM in host mode.  Please 
>turn the KAM power off, then back on."  I did that, and then 
>I go back to the above.  I can do this all day, and the appearance 
>is that Writelog (or RTTYwrite) is just NOT going to talk to that TNC.


I can help with this part ... the *.INI file and the KAM+ MUST be
set to the same baud rate ... otherwise the TNC will not "init" ... 

I had similar situations here with each rig/TNC ... but once I
matched up the baud rates (I use 4800 here) all works well.

One other thought ... make sure your MOUSE is not also using
COM1 ... some systems do that.

73 Billy AA4NU